The digital era has opened numerous doors for us, indie artists. Besides having more control about where and we sell our product, a bigger field of promotion, etc. we can reach a wide audience easier than artists used to 10 or 15 years ago. Lots of artists start with big dreams of being played in […]
Posts Tagged ‘ireneb’
Episode 12 – Podcasts & Internet Radio
Posted: 27th May 2012 by IreneB in Marketing & Promotion, RadioTags: diary of an indie artist, episode 12, host, ireneb, mp3, online radio, podcast, podcaster, terrestrial radio
Episode 11 – Licenses & Distribution Deals
Posted: 24th February 2012 by IreneB in Distribution, LicensingTags: diary of an indie artist, distribution deals, ireneb, licensing deals, mechanical license, sync license
Everybody knows what a record deal is -or at least they should-, a record label gets interested in you as an artist and either buys your record (that you’ve already recorded) or puts money to record an album -let’s be honest, this doesn’t happen that often anymore-. They put it out, they put the money […]