The digital era has opened numerous doors for us, indie artists. Besides having more control about where and we sell our product, a bigger field of promotion, etc. we can reach a wide audience easier than artists used to 10 or 15 years ago. Lots of artists start with big dreams of being played in […]
Posts Tagged ‘diary of an indie artist’
Episode 12 – Podcasts & Internet Radio
Posted: 27th May 2012 by IreneB in Marketing & Promotion, RadioTags: diary of an indie artist, episode 12, host, ireneb, mp3, online radio, podcast, podcaster, terrestrial radio
Episode 11 – Licenses & Distribution Deals
Posted: 24th February 2012 by IreneB in Distribution, LicensingTags: diary of an indie artist, distribution deals, ireneb, licensing deals, mechanical license, sync license
Everybody knows what a record deal is -or at least they should-, a record label gets interested in you as an artist and either buys your record (that you’ve already recorded) or puts money to record an album -let’s be honest, this doesn’t happen that often anymore-. They put it out, they put the money […]
Episode 10 – Sharks
Posted: 3rd February 2012 by IreneB in Starting OutTags: diary of an indie artist, independent artist, independent music, indie artist, Starting Out
Sharks, sharks, sharks… the music industry is full of them. We gotta know it & accept it. And… be aware! They hide behind the name of managers, producers, promoters, artists, even friends! Let me tell you something, first thing you have to do in your artist life is to decide what way to take, once […]
Episode 7 – Impatience Killed The Artist
Posted: 13th January 2012 by IreneB in Starting OutTags: diary of an indie artist, episode 7, independent artist, independent music, indie artist, singer, songwriter, Starting Out, taxes
Today I went to a class about taxes in Europe, yep! It may sound boring, but if you’re gonna be an artist and eventually create a brand of yourself, you have to learn tricky & boring things about taxes, benefits, losses, etc. That way you will be in total control of your finances (even if […]
Episode 6 – Differences Between Producers & Programmers
Posted: 9th January 2012 by IreneB in ProductionTags: diary of an indie artist, episode 6, independent artist, independent music, indie artist, lorena ares, producer, programmer, singer, songwriter
Working with a producer and seeing lots of artists around I’ve found that, in general, there is a big misconception between producers, programmers, musicians and authors. I recorded this episode to make it all clear. Grammy Award producer Frankie Biggz helps me define each one of them. You can also see a little bit what […]